
Marine Sharpshooter 3

Marine Sharpshooter 3

Marine Sharpshooter 3

In CTU Marine Sharpshooter, you take on the role of, you guessed it, a marine sharpshooter. A group of terrorists is in possession of the potential to make a nuclear weapon and you and your spotter have been sent in to find out what's going on and put a stop to it. Along the way, you'll visit such "exotic locales" as Afghanistan, Chechnya and the jungles of the Pacific islands. You'll be the sniper on the mission, with a single marine buddy to back you up.

You'll progress through each of the game's fairly small and linear levels endeavoring to shoot just about anything that moves. When you're out in the open, it's relatively easy to take out your opponents before they're even aware you're there. This is what being a sniper is about, after all. When you're in tunnels or warehouses, it's still just as easy to take out the enemies, but sniping from a mere thirty yards away seems a bit silly. You have a pistol for these situations but it's so much less powerful than the sniper rifle, that you'll almost never use it.

Marine Sharpshooter features a spectacularly unhelpful spotter. I have no idea how this albatross they've burdened you with ever passed basic training and obtained a position of responsibility in the marines but, if this is the kind of training we're giving the leathernecks, then I wouldn't even bet on them to take down the League of Women Voters. Let's start with his inability to actually hit anything. I've stood by giggling like a root canal patient while he's unloaded two full clips from his machine gun at an opponent only twenty yards away. The law of averages would seem to suggest that even my dog could hit him at least once but my marine spotter must never have studied probability in college. Assuming he even went to college. Luckily, the enemies seem to have just as hard a time hitting him so I guess it's a wash.

More often than not you'll actually be the one to kill your spotter. Sometimes you'll do this intentionally in outright frustration for his horrible pathfinding. He'll sometimes nudge you out beyond your cover if he feels the need to push up against your butt is too great. Then there are the times he walks right in front of you while you're trying to shoot your enemies. Pulling the trigger just as the fool walks right in front of your crosshairs is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, he gets what's coming to him; on the other hand, killing him means you have to reload the mission again.
